Luc Moore

Adventurer, entrepreneur & athlete


Hi, my name is Luc Moore. In 2008 I cycled across Canada in 57 days, raising funds for a children’s Foundation. Nine months later, I was involved in a near-fatal motorcycle accident. I sustained numerous life-threatening injuries, including an unstable open-book pelvic fracture which required two intensive surgeries to repair. Nearly one year later, I was involved in a car accident.

My rehabilitative journey

I approached rehab like it was a full-time job, and to be honest, and it was for me. With my family's full support and help, I performed 50-60 hours of exercise per week and was treated by countless health professionals. It took me five months to start walking unassisted and eight years of extensive rehabilitation to be back to 100%. Sport played an integral role in my recovery.

I started sailing in 2012, a year after my brother and I went to Kauai, Hawaii. I was still heavily involved in rehab, but I had been cleared to walk, so we finally decided to visit the islands. My brother had just started windsurfing, so we started looking online for gear for him, and we came across a woman selling late her husband's equipment. She recounted to us that his life had been spent on the ocean. As a pro windsurfer, his love and passion for the sport were undeniable. At that point, I thought that maybe if I worked hard enough, I, too, could try this sport and carry on his legacy of love for the water and wind.In the beginning, I couldn't ride with my harness on without experiencing terrible low back pain, I was terrified of the water, knew nothing about wind and if I got moving at any speed at all, scenes of my accidents would replay in my mind, which lasted for years. It was hard to differentiate fact from fiction. To add to this mess of emotions, numerous specialists and acquaintances had repeatedly told me that I was now broken. I would never be able to jog pain-free again, let alone enjoy pain-free sports. They told me to accept that as my truth and to move on.I can honestly say, my mom and my brother helped me to keep going as our shared passions and family support helped me overcome obstacles. The pure joy I felt with my continued progress on the water helped those wounds begin to heal. In time, windsurfing felt so good physically and psychologically that it would bring me to tears on the water. I would spend hours practicing the basics and quickly improved. This sport was one of the many catalysts that helped accelerate my healing process. When my skills had reached the great lake level, I started sailing with my neighbour Danny. He is one of the best windsurfers in eastern Ontario and travels around the world pursuing his passion in his spare time. The picture above was taken in 2019 in Kingston on Lake Ontario. It was a great day with decent head-high swell and an average of 25 knots of wind. The main image (page 1) was taken by my brother with a Go Pro while sailing together on Vancouver island.

Projects I'm working on

When it was time to re-integrate into the business world, I wanted to work on projects that were very meaningful to me. I also wanted to help impact people's lives as I had learned a lot during my recovery journey and wanted to give back. I also needed to maintain a healthy work-life balance and continue enjoying the new passions and hobbies I loved that had and continue to help me a lot.

Health Locator

One of our biggest challenges during our recovery process was finding the right health care professionals close to our homes. Finding a service such as Intramuscular Stimulation, provided by a Physiotherapist who also accepted MVA insurance, was very challenging. In 2018, we came up with the idea that became the Health Locator Network. Today, in 2022, we are happy to announce that our software has started to help Professional Associations showcase their members online. As we continue to grow, our network will help members of the public, family doctors, discharge coordinators, and lawyers find the help they or their clients need quickly and easily.

The Wing Life Podcast

In 2020 a new water sport was growing fast in North America. I had seen the videos of Laird Hamilton and Kai Lenny foiling out of Maui, but the gear hadn't made its way to Canada yet. I was so stoked to get started when I could get my hands on some gear. I started giving lessons in 2021 and created the Wing Life Podcast in 2022 to help spread the stoke I felt for water sports. Wing foiling is an experience the likes of which I've never had before. It feels like you are flying above the water in absolute silence. The surfing capability is out of this world, and due to the foil, you can travel way up wind and then sightsee effortlessly.

Life after rehab

Here are a few pictures from the adventures and sports I now regularly enjoy. You'll find me on Vancouver Island in the summers, playing in the wind, biking and climbing things with family and friends.

Work with me

Overcome obstacles, increase your confidence and reach your goals.I offer private sessions and public speaking engagements where I talk about the mindset, heart and dedication required to reach goals that many say are impossible. Fill out the form below, and I'll contact you.

© Luc Moore. All rights reserved.